The NM Farm & Ranch Heritage Museum will hold a board meeting on:
Thursday, November 16, 2023, at 10:00am in the Education Classroom located at NM Farm & Ranch Heritage Museum, 4100 Dripping Springs Road, Las Cruces, NM 88011, and virtual on Microsoft Teams.
For virtual join in on MICROSOFT TEAMS meeting:
or Contact Lori Holguin for an invite.
Join on your computer, mobile app or room device,
Meeting ID: 258 932 695 865 Passcode: 9QFyEG
Download Teams | Join on the web
Or call in (audio only)
+1 505-312-4308,,446894430# United States, Albuquerque
Phone Conference ID: 446 894 430#
In compliance with the Open Meetings Act, copies of the agenda will be made available by NM Farm & Ranch Heritage Museum at least 72 hours prior to the meeting and accessible on the NM Farm & Ranch Heritage Museum website at:
Please contact Lori Holguin at (575) 522-4100 ext. 129 if you need additional information.
If you are an individual with a disability who is in need of a reader, amplifier, qualified sign language interpreter, or any other form of auxiliary aid or service to attend or participate in the meeting, please contact Lori Holguin at (575) 522-4100 ext. 129 at least three days prior to the meeting, or as soon as possible. Public documents can be provided in various accessible formats. Please contact the administrator if an accessible format is needed.


Draft until approved by the Board




November 16, 2023 Education Classroom

4100 Dripping Springs Road, Las Cruces, 88011 and Microsoft Teams


The mission of the New Mexico Farm & Ranch Heritage Museum Board is to provide leadership to the Museum to preserve, collect, study, and display materials representative of the farming and ranching of the state and region and to develop and maintain exhibits and programs of an educational nature.


  1. Quorum/Call to Order/Introductions – Bob Mayberry

2.  Action: Approval of November 16, 2023, Agenda – Board

  1. Action: Approval of Minutes from August 10, 2023, Meeting Board
  2. Chairman’s Report – Bob Mayberry
  3. DCA Secretary’s Comments – Debra Garcia y Griego or Designee
  4. Friends of the NMFRHM Report – President Steve Loring or Friends Designee
  5. Museum Director’s Report- Heather Reed a). Finance/Budget – Naomi Terry
    • Collections Report -Annie Muirhead

c). Action: Vote on items accepted for Museum’s Collections – Board

  • Exhibits Update – Nathan Jape!
  • South 20 Acre Property Update – Heather Reed
  • Education/Events Update – Desirie Lara
  1. Old Business

a). Committee report on BLM property possible acquisition -Anthony Parra

  1. New Business
  • Discussion on New Mexico State University (NMSU) Lease with NM Farm & Ranch Heritage Museum Renewal
  • Discussion on collections accession internal procedures to stay in compliance with accreditation with the American Alliance of Museums

c).  Action: Vote collections accession internal procedures – Board

  • Discussion on increasing admission prices

e).  Action: Vote on increasing admission prices – Board

  • Committee report on catering – Matthew Conrad g). Discussion on reported catering options

h). Action: Vote on catering options for RFP

  1. Confirmation of 2024 Board Meeting Dates – Board
  2. Adjournment – Board


  • Except for emergency matters, the Board cannot take action on new business that is not on the posted New business requiring action will be added to the agenda for the next meeting of the Board.


Jfyou are an individual with a disability who is in need of a reader, amplifier, qualified sign language interpreter, or any other form of auxilimJ1 aid or service in order to attend or participate in the hearing or meeting, please contact Craig Massey at (575) 522-4100 at least one week prior to the

meeting or as soon as possible. Public documents, including the agenda and minutes, can be provided in various accessible formats. Please co11tact Craig Massey (575) 522-4100 if a summa,y or other type of accessible format is needed.

Draft until approved by the Board


Collections Report                                                                  November 2023

Recently Accessioned (All Approved August 2023):


  • 01O: Seed packets and small almanac from Mary Kay McDonald-Shelton
  • 013: Dona Agueda Martinez’s loom from Catherine Martinez Olivas
  • 014: Small quilt from Sara Orton


Approved, Accessions Pending:


  • Squeeze chute from Mark Cox (Approved August 2023)
  • Cap gun collection from Jerry Schickedanz (Approved August 2023)


Previously Accessioned, Pending Approval:

  • 002: Bust of Rob Cox from Dr. Mark Cox (formerly IL2011.014)
  • 004: 4 firearms and cleaning supplies from B.E. Holberg
  • 005: 3 pieces of Elephant Butte Dam from the Bureau of Reclamation (IL1996.079)
  • 006: 2 reproduction wagons from NMSU College of ACES (IL1996.001)
  • 007: Winchester Model 1890 from Dennis Madden
  • 008: Bucksaw from B.E. Holberg
  • 011: Bank safe and Coffee can (Abandoned Cultural Property)


Recommended for Accession by Collections Committee:


  • Institutional History: Flag, brand, stamp, 3500 photos
    • Objects/photos found in museum offices that should be preserved
  • “Blessing of the Fields” oil painting by Carlitta Harvey
    • Depicts the annual Blessing of the Fields ceremony and features the museum’s own Greg Ball
  • Bison head mount from Bob Balaski/Barbara Coston
    • Shot on Ladder Ranch by Roger Coston in 2005 or 2006
  • Oliver 80 row crop tractor from Doug Reid
    • Purchased by Mr. Reid’s father in the late 1940s after the family moved from Texas to Curry Recently restored by a neighbor, including new tires.
  • “Hay and Feed” sign from Stefan Kosicki (for Education collection) o Originally from a store in Santa Fe, c.1960s
  • Grease box from the DAR (for Education collection) o To go with the chuckwagon used for events
  • 1946 J. Case VAi tractor with Lundahl hay stacker from Nicole King o Been on the property north of Las Vegas, NM for decades.
  • Poems of the Range by Dick Hays from Carrie Brewer
    • Small book of poetry from the 1940s. Dick Hays moved to Carlsbad, NM with his family at age four in 1919. He worked as a cowboy and miner while writing to support his rodeo
  • Books for the Resource Room from Donna Wojcik
    • Cathy Williams: From Slave to Buffalo Solider, by Phillip Thomas Tucker
    • America’s Female Buffalo Soldier, by Phillip Thomas Tucker
    • She Was a Buffalo Soldier: The Story of Cathay Williams, by Alphonso Washington


  • The Pueblo Food Experience Cookbook, edited by Roxanne Swentzel! and Patricia M. Perea
  • Daughters of the West, by Anne Seagraves
  • Women Who Charmed the West, by Anne Seagraves
  • High-Spirited Women of the West, by Anne Seagraves
  • Amador Hotel & family coaches, Mrs. Amador’s wedding dress from Buddy Ritter o Red Omnibus used by the Amador Hotel to transport guests from the train

station. Met the very first train that arrived in Las Cruces in 1881. Fully restored. o         Green Victoria Brougham coach custom made for Mrs. Amador to serve as her

personal conveyance. Also fully restored

  • Original headlamp from the Victoria Brougham
  • Amador’s wedding gown
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